The Plan

  • Housekeeping - all good?
  • Eduardo presents click-hole

Lecture: How the Internet works

  • The Cable Map
  • How it works (metaphor on the whiteboard)
  • Difference between front-end and back-end

Keywords: servers, DNS, bandwidth, client, browser.

Code: Take a look at Welcome exercise

Code Review, Q & A, and demos.


Lecture: What’s on a server?

  • It’s just a computer!
  • Absolute vs. relative file paths
  • The command line

Keywords: Unix, LAMP, command line
Unix Commands: cd, ls, touch, mkdir

Together: Create site folder in command line.

Exercise: Start on Assignment 1.

If you missed class:

For Next Time


This is a lot of reading - you don’t need to read every word of these, but familiarize yourself with the terms Progressive Enhancement, separation of concerns, and semantics. These topics have been around of a while, but in the age of JS web apps, they are very hot topics.

Next time we’ll be talking about semantics, or how to name make our HTML meaningful and reusable. There were a couple of Smashing articles a while ago that debated this, and caused a stir.

Look at these in order:

  1. Semantic code: What? Why? How? and Wikipedia Semtantic HTML
  2. Our Pointless Pursuit of Semantic Value - Divya Manian
  3. Pursuing Semantic Value - response to the above, Jeremy Keith

Progressive enhancement and the ‘separation of concerns’ come into play here as well:

To do:

  • Spend some time on Assignment 1. Bring questions for next time.