Class 7: Programming
The Plan
Discuss: Look at links
- Pick apart a few websites
- Any current events to address?
Lecture: Programming Concepts
- Introduce concepts of variables, functions, and logic
- Breaking down behavior
- Noodling in the console and demoing concepts
- Variables
- Types of data
- Arrays
- Functions
- Objects
- Now create a JS file and do the same
Discuss: Libraries and Dependencies
- What is jQuery? Why use it? Why not?
- Demo main jQuery concepts in file
- Selectors and chaining
- NOT like regular JavaScript, a language of it’s own
Demo: Use a plugin
Discuss: Server side PHP
- What’s the difference?
- Set up partials (can use MAMP or in - starter files here.
- Basic variables and functions, similar to JS but on the server
Work time: Final Projects
Check in on final projects, go over next steps.
For Next Time
- Work on final projects, be ready for a big check-in next time.
- Work through jQuery Assignment 3 - optional.