The Plan

Discuss: Readings

  • The difference between front-end languages
  • Websites vs. Webapps

Lecture: The New Process

Exercise: Do it!

  • Select a project (could be an existing website or something you are working on)
  • Create a text list of the information
    • Is there a consistency in the type of content across all pages or views? (hint: yes)
    • How can you group that content, into what kind of modules?
  • Turn that list of text into a diagram-ish thing that indicates modules


Demo: Code questions

  • Demo any questions, or style a pretty button and form.

Exercise: Continue on Process exercise

  • Add markup to the page

For Next Time


On Responsive Design, which we will discuss next week:

To do:

These concepts are super important and hard to grasp, so try to read thoroughly and bring questions:

If you need more clarification: