Class 2: The New Process
The Plan
Discuss: Readings
- The difference between front-end languages
- Websites vs. Webapps
Lecture: The New Process
- What was the old process?
- No code
- The New Process (different for everyone, this is based on Stephen Hay’s Responsive Design Workflow and all things Brad Frost)
- Designing in text
- Notes for DiJiFi and MTNmeister
- Markdown and creating hierarchy
- Breaking content into components and form a layout systems
- Atomic Design and templating
- Now the visual design layer (Photoshop, you can come out now)
- Style Tiles
- Element Collages
- Tools
- Sketch
- Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign (ID can be good, encourages typography systems)
- Style guides (developers love these)
- Designing in text
- A middle ground: Code generators (meh.)
Exercise: Do it!
- Select a project (could be an existing website or something you are working on)
- Create a text list of the information
- Is there a consistency in the type of content across all pages or views? (hint: yes)
- How can you group that content, into what kind of modules?
- Turn that list of text into a diagram-ish thing that indicates modules
Demo: Code questions
- Demo any questions, or style a pretty button and form.
Exercise: Continue on Process exercise
- Add markup to the page
For Next Time
On Responsive Design, which we will discuss next week:
- Responsive Web Design - the original article about RWD.
- Mobile First Responsive Web Design - how we approach RWD today.
- Responsive Comping: Obtaining Signoff Without Mockups
- Responsive Strategy - The different options in creating a responsive website.
To do:
These concepts are super important and hard to grasp, so try to read thoroughly and bring questions:
- Lesson 4: Opening the Box Model
- Lesson 5: Positioning Content
If you need more clarification:
- CSS Positioning 101 - A List Apart
- All About Floats - CSS Tricks