The Plan
Show/Demo: Bootstrap and/or Foundation
- Also demo and locate a clearfix
- Review of layout and framework concepts
- Responsive grids demo/review - files here.
Lecture: JavaScript Conundrum and Concepts
- We aren’t getting into JS too much, why?
- Why is it so different than HTML and CSS, but usually lumped together with them?
- Programming vs. Coding
- Review of back-end
- Introduce concept of types of functions and libraries
- Breaking down behavior: Variables, Functions, and Logic
- Real life examples (it’s not so easy!)
- Data sanitization
- Users
- Passing data
Together: Noodling
Independent: Work time and Final Projects
- Work on any past projects or exercises
- Bootstrap/Foundation from last time
- Extra practice exercises from last class Todos
- Lara comes around to discuss final projects and next steps
- Review and explain any relevant questions and concepts
For Next Time
- Collect content and create screen wireframes for outline of final project
- Continue working through extra exercises