Class 8: Forms and States + jQuery plugin
The Plan
Lecture: Forms vs. Inputs
vs.<input type="">
- Posting the values with
- Look at Google
- Posting the values with
<input type="">
- text
- radio
- submit
- number
- phone
- password
- range
- file
- …and more!
- Adding additional attributes
- name
- value
- placeholder
- disabled
- …and more!
- How name and action attributes interact
- Labels
<label for="name">
- Common types
- Radio = true/false
- Checkbox = select mutliple
- Dropdowns:
- A note about the UX - interesting article here.
- Examples
- Basic form tutorial here.
Demo: PHP Form
- Look at form PHP code - files here.
- It’s kind of gross looking code, don’t be intimidated.
- Show variable values in url, e.g.
- Writing to mood.txt
- Example without method and action
- Add a new field
- Styling forms (it kind of sucks)
Demo: jQuery Plugin
- Demo a JS plugin.
- FartScroll, lolz.
- Something more useful: Fittext.js
- Lots of nice ones on Unheap.
Work Time and Q/A
For Next Time
Keep working on projects! Email questions if you have them. You should have a nice markup skeleton, all of your pages in place, and have started styling.