Class 1: Welcome, and code! →
Hi! Introductions, about the class, expectations, and whatnot. Then let's get coding.
Class 2: Oh, the Internet. →
Discuss the architecture of the Internet, things like servers, DNS, and front-end vs. back-end. Navigate computers using Terminal and create Sites folder.
Class 3: Semantics and the S.O.C. →
Let's talk semantics, and why you shouldn't call your div
. Naming things is the hardest part, believe it or not. We'll also talk about the Separation of Concerns and Progressive Enhancement - hot topics in the age of JavaScript web apps. -
Class 4: Responsive Design →
It's the jam. Let's talk mobile first, media queries, and do a CSS layout exercise. WTF is clearfix, anyway?
Class 5: Grids & Frameworks →
Class 6: Work Time & WordPress →
Start working on final projects, talk a bit more about WordPress and how to customize it.
Class 7: Programming →
Uh oh.
Class 8: PHP Templates & Forms →
Passing data to the server via forms with PHP and JS. Discuss form states and APIs.
Class 9: Set up Hosting + Work Time →
Work time for final projects. Set up domain names, hosting, and FTP deployment for final projects. Install WordPress on server if necessary.
Class 10: Present Projects + Next Steps →